Where to Look for the Job of Your Dreams


There are five ways to go about finding a job, and whether the economy is booming or in a downturn, following these five paths is the best way to achieve your future career goals. When on the job hunt, it’s important to remember that most jobs are never posted or advertised and often go unfilled for a long time.

 Even with unemployment at an all-time low, you want to be making yourself competitive for the job you want, not the job you need. The fact of the matter is that there is always a job for someone who can identify company needs and match their skills to those needs, offering solutions.


To be successful you must treat your job search as a full time job: your job is getting a job. If you are employed you can still devote 10-20+ hours per week to your search. 

Where to Find Job Opportunities

  1. Networking: By far the most effective method of self-promotion. Networking is NOT asking your friends for a job. LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and even Instagram can be invaluable. Get out there and start attending events that are likely to attract others in your field. IRL networking has not become any less effective with the proliferation of social media.

  2. Created Opportunities: My clients are often surprised to learn that one of the best ways to find a job is to create one for yourself with a company based on your unique skill set. Companies are always looking for ways to save money, make money and solve problems. If you can position yourself as a solution to a problem you can work almost anywhere.

  3. Advertisements: Ads are all over the place, on the internet and in newspapers and magazines. Hit the library or subscribe to the trades in the industries that interest you. Go back 3 months; many of those jobs are still open.

  4. Recruiter Firms: Firms and headhunters are paid a fee by the hiring company to fill a position. There are many websites to find recruiters and send them a resume.

  5. Direct Mail or Email: Sending mass mailings to companies is not terribly effective, but it does belong on the list. The more you send the greater the return.

One of the most important things to remember while on the job hunt is that people want to help. Of course you can do a whole lot by yourself, but you can do so much more with the help of others. Get over your shyness, anxiety, your ego and sense of responsibility and accept that you need help. Pick up the phone. Make a compelling case for someone to spend time with you. People feel flattered when they are tapped for their wisdom and knowledge, so ask for help.